
Seeking an Artefact...

The words of the shaman ring now even in your ears. ‘Untold chaos… a chance for domination… great rewards from the pantheon of darkness…’ How could you ignore such claims?

The skull of an ancient, bestial warlord

Your scouts have done their work searching the free lands of the Feyren, a pathetic race of hairy, gangly humanoids. They have uncovered word of the artefact your shaman prophesied. The skull of an ancient, bestial warlord is buried somewhere within those valleys and plains. It appears [Team B] have exiled the artefact not only from their vaults but also from living memory. No captured soldiers seem to have any knowledge of the skull, though the Feyren still remember. Your shaman assured you that the discovery of this artefact would offer a great chance of ascension.

Prisoners must be taken

The lore states that the skull is capable of opening a rift, a black tear in the fabric of reality, through which the demons of beyond shall pour forth, seeking your command. Of course, the price of such magic is not cheap. Prisoners must be taken and sacrificed on the Altar of Black Stones for the ritual to succeed, the tortured screams pulling at the threads of the material until the tear asunder. Of course, the Altar itself is little more than a rumour, but if you can uncover it, the rivers of the free lands will run red with [Team B] blood.

Your steed ploughs forth through the plains, churning up the sodden grass under its powerful hooves. You can smell smoke on the air. Your armies advance on the villages of these pathetic Feyren, liberating their defenders from their lives, and beginning to capture those who will give theirs in pursuit of your final goal.