The Canopy of Druids
Master Druid Silvanus was still struggling with the news that his messengers had relayed to him. By order of the Green Lady the druids were to stand down and let their newest recruits, the humans of the decimated Brotherhood, prove their worth. Had she forgotten the main weakness of man is their greed, the lure of any power that could be harnessed from the shards of this comet, could corrupt even the most devout of men, they were not to be trusted.

Greater than this threat was the fact that all the tribes in the North were also seeking the shards, the threat to the equilibrium of Pannithor was dire, and he was not prepared to sit back and let the world die in flames.
He would not go against the lady’s instructions, but if his scouts should encounter another race marching on force through his territory, or should the lady’s ‘new’ warriors require assistance or correction, then the he would be ready to step in with the full force of nature.