Kings of War: Winter War
...when the skies split apart and lightning rained down as if hurled by a raging god, the comet would come thundering into the earth. The Winter War campaign brings the brutal war that would be waged over the coming months to seize what lay at its blackened heart.
This campaign ended on Thursday 13th March
with 12 armies battling it out over turns
Winter War - A Kings of War Campaign
"...the arrival of the comet in the skies always marks a time of great change, according to local tradition in the North. Fortunes change, cities grow wealthy and prosperous, towns and villages fall into ruin and disrepair, and vice versa. Every hundred years, the comet appears in the skies above and soothsayers raise blind eyes to the heavens, the skeins of fate twisting and turning observable only to those with the witching eye. And yet not one of them predicted that on the final day of autumn, when the skies split apart and lightning rained down as if hurled by...1 minute read... Continue Reading...
The Forces
Zygrad‚s Slavers
Abyssal Dwarftest-user1
Armies of The Winter War Campaign: Zygrad's Slavers.
1 minute read...
The Canopy of Druids
Forces of Naturetest-user2
1 minute read...
Crew of the Skinned Elf
The Mongke Vachir
Host of Autumn
The Black Order
Northern Alliancetest-user6
Armies of The Winter War Campaign: The knights of the Black Order are the masters of a military dominion.
1 minute read...
Updates for Kings of War: Winter War
Annals of The Winter War - Parts 1 & 2
Six players, six factions, one eventual victor in Central London Kings of War's first campaign.
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Latest Battle Reports for Kings of War: Winter War
Idril surveyed the open fields stretching away from the Fort, still littered with Abyssal Dwarf and
Orc corpses.1 minute read... Continue Reading...
Animated shrubs and topiary burst from the woods and were instantly up close and personal.
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The Crew of the Skinned Elf have taken the North by storm.
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The Host of Autumn has staked its claim on the south-western forests with stunning speed...
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In a single day the verdant lands around the Yrimlock River are set ablaze...
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