The dawn of darkness - part 1
From all around, the low drones of the shadow drums shattered the morale of the mortals who were taking refuge in the Bard’s Tap House. As time momentarily stood still, a blanket of darkness fell over the battlefield and the harrowing drums came to halt. Wildlife wilted away as the powerful force grew closer. An eerie silence took hold. Krone’s emerging force could smell the fear. The village reeked of it.
Suddenly, on the horizon, grew a blinding light. What seemed like pure gold shambled over the hills and ordered themselves into formation. Khrone’s sinister but mocking smile grew wide across his lifeless face. Only fool’s gold would stand in the way of the emperor.
The black tide marched forward supported by their summoned kin from the grave. In one foul swoop, Krone unleashed all of hell on the golden army as he observed them crumble beneath his feet. More kin to summon. More to aid the fight. More power to wield. More enemies to devour! Who will be Krone’s next victim as he marches on to Halphi’s Mountain?