The Dust upon our Shields

Brimming with anger over what Dravak has unleashed, Drofrik Warbrewer is heart-set on making things right. As an experienced Iron Caster himself, Drofrik is confident that, if he is able to reach the Rift in time, he will be able to use the power of the Nexus for good and restore the natural balance that once upheld the Halpi Regions.
With an army of dwarven infantry, Lesser Obsidian Golems, and hideous Grotesques at his disposal, Drofrik’s first test will be against the Empire of Dust, led by their acclaimed Cursed High Priest, Sebek-Rae the Accursed. This will not be an easy test, nor will it come without a cost, for the Empire of Dust’s ranged threat is menacing and shows no mercy.
At the dawn of battle, Drofrik gathers his troops and hordes with vicious intent and demands they gird their loins for the battle ahead. “FOR PANNITHOR!” he exclaims as the Abyssal Dwarfs march towards their enemy with harrowing determination.
A volley of dwarven heavy mortars is unleashed without delay and causes devastating damage to the Empire of Dust platoon. A horde of Enslaved Guardian Archers is decimated instantaneously and fills the dwarven hordes with a thirst for more destruction. The greed and hunger for power begins to feel Drofrik’s soul as he feels his first taste of victory. He fantasises on what he could really do with the magical power at stake, when suddenly, the hideous horde of Grotesques takes a Revenant Chariot Legion, hastened with magical acceleration, to their front ranks!
The unexpected attack sends tremors through the dwarven command, but the Grotesques hold their own and are now filled with incredible rage!
The dwarven hordes are all too quick and furious to destroy the enemy chariots that, in their rage, the pendant that the chariot legion is carrying goes unnoticed. The legion is destroyed but there is no victory cry, but instead, a horrendous and devastating explosion! As the dust settles, the surviving warriors see to their wounds, but they may not ever fully recover from the damage that has been inflicted.
The battle goes on and continues to be hideously gruesome. Both armies deal and suffer multiple casualties fighting to ensure that their quest will be victorious.
After hours and hours of brutal combat, the sound of gunfire and shield breaking becomes a deafening silence. The surviving ranks, barely able to see their own weapons amongst the cloud of dust and debris, all at once hear Drofrik’s thunderous and overwhelming roar, “VICTORY!”
The Empire of Dust troops are catastrophically destroyed, with only the Monolith left standing.
The Abyssal Dwarfs march on with ever growing determination to their next battle ground, blissfully unaware of the seed that has started to grow in Drofrik’s soul…