Bistög'ravy Guzzler
Golekh Skinflayer through his spectacles and examined the letter again. The candle light flickered over The Bank's seal the envelope, and the curved signature at the bottom of the letter belonged to the Chief Treasurer herself. Unhappy that the last two shipments of slaves to Golekh had lasted less than a moon cycle apiece during the mining operations near Halpi's Rift, The Bank was sending a new lieutenant to oversee matters.
The lieutenant stood before Golekh now. He leant forward and peered at the creature in front of him. The figure was glad in the ornate armour of the Abyssal Dwarfs from Belyg's Dam, a dwarf hold notorious for their excessive use of Slave Orcs, however there was something about this individual that just didn't sit right with Golekh. He couldn't tell if it was the lack of a beard, the crooked nose too crooked for even a dwarf or the complexion of his skin but something about him just seemed off.

"Your name is Bistög'ravy Guzzler?" Golekh question, his voice heavy with scepticism.
"Yep!" Replied the individual instantly.
"Strange name for a dwarf, even one from Belyg's Dam".
"It's the only one I got" Bistög responded. He seemed jittery.
"Hmmm". Golekh paused, trying to read Bistög. "And The Bank have sent to here to help me with what exactly?"
"Boss says there's a fight coming".
"Indeed, this letter in front of me indicates a patrol of The Order of the Green Lady, led by Exemplar Jarekson, left port Edrych Aros and has followed the coastline north. We, or apparently, you have been entrusted to stop them pushing further into the mountains and turn them back".
"Yep yep. Sounds good to me boss" "And why exactly have you been picked over me to do this task?" "Boss gave me a shiny stick!" Bistög said with a huge grin showing teeth that Golekh wasn't entirely sure were what dwarf teeth looked like.
"A shiny stick?" Golekh inquired.
"A shiny stick!" repeated Bistög.
"What sort of shiny stick?"
Bistög reach behind him and pulled a wand of glossed ebony out of his belt and brandished it, grinning again.
"And what does this stick do exactly?" "Gives wiz's a headache boss" The stick seemed to be similar to the staffs wielded by the Abyssal Dwarf Hexcasters throughout the Halpi Mountains.
"Gives wiz's a headache..." Golekh intoned, exasperation clear in his voice. It was clear that he was dealing with a simpleton here. "And I am to provide you with some of my own forces to help you ambush Jarekson".
"Mhmm" mumbled Bistög, still entranced by his wand. "I can spare a regiment of my Blacksouls, six of my Nightmares and a few packs of vermin but you'll have to gather other forces yourself.
"Boss's gave me money to hire Ratkin mer-sen-rees" Bistög said, butchering the pronunciation of the last word."
Golekh stopped. Gave Bistög a long stare whilst he thought about his warriors and own Ratkin slaves fighting alongside the so called "Unshacked" - free rats. Golekh would have to ensure the Slave Drivers in his breeding pits were especially cruel over the coming weeks to make sure none of his breeding stock got ideas about escaping and living a life of freedom. Still, there was nothing he could do about it. If The Bank had set aside funds to hire the Ratkin then that was what had to be done.
"Very well" Golekh said sharply. There is a taphouse along a mountain pass that Jarkeson is due to stop at in a few days’ time. Make sure he checks in but doesn't check out."
"You got it boss" Bistög responded before turning away and leaving Golekh sat in the candlelit room with only this thoughts for company.
Bistög'ravy Guzzler directs a Nightmare horde whilst a Broodmother looks on and a regiment of Vermintide hold up The Order of Redemption