© Mantic Entertainment Ltd
Into the Rift: Chapter IV
With the Institutions being drawn further into the region and the spoils of war become more prevalent, in-fighting has broken out amongst the camps. Scholars fight Scholars, lesser houses within the family begin to bicker and the greed of the bankers can be contained no more...
“To teach is to part wealth, to learn is to muster strength”

Visit the campaign introduction page to find information on the event stages and scoring system or download the event pack here.

Round 4: The Ethereal Plane
Remember you can change your army and lists freely between each round to allow you to experience as much of the Halpi’s Rift rules as possible, and if your first army didn’t do to great I’m sure your institution wouldn’t object to you hiring a group that can actually get the job done!
Round 4 will be played in the Ethereal Plane and players may now be fighting opponents within their own institution. Games should be played at 2300 points using the Pillage scenario (7 Objectives) and players can use whatever map/terrain they like, however if required, a pre-made map is available on Universal Battle which can be found by searching for ‘Into the Rift - Round 4’ in the terrain map tool.
More details on the scoring system can be found on the Northern Kings website