Crusade - Typhus' Revenge
An Inquisitor is Missing, The Custodes are Searching, Typhus is out for Revenge...
This campaign ended on Friday 14th March
with 2 armies battling it out over turns
The Harbingers
Following his defeat at the hands of Inquisitor Xerxes on the distant Hive planet Thanidian III, Typhus has remained restless in his search for the Agent of the Imperium. Thannidian was never to be documented in the chronicles of Typhus and the Harbingers. A defeat in which the forces of the Death Guard were prevented from breaching the planet's primary hive spire and spreading the destroyer plague amongst the planetary governance, dignitaries and aristocracy was too reprehensible to be recorded. With countless months wasted, precious resources consumed and much to the disapproval of his subservient Lords and Plague Champions, Typhus...1 minute read... Continue Reading...
The Forces
The Harbingers
Death GuardThree-Bravo
Armies of the Crusade - Typhus' Revenge Campaign - The Harbingers
1 minute read...
Shield Host - Macedonia
Armies of the Crusade - Typhus' Revenge Campaign - Shield Host Macedonia
1 minute read...
Latest Battle Reports for Crusade - Typhus' Revenge
Chapter 3
Fate of an Inquisitor.
1 minute read... Continue Reading...
Chapter 2
The Custodes on the hunt
1 minute read... Continue Reading...
Chapter 1
The Capture of Inquisitor Xerexes
1 minute read... Continue Reading...
Run in with the Necrons
1 minute read... Continue Reading...